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    Pilihan Warna:

      RJ WATERPROOF SEALER SPRAY PAINT a special paint that can be used as a leak-proof coating, to overcome seepage or leakage on the roof or tile, pipes, walls or water reservoirs. Easy to use, quick drying, no crack and good durability.

      Packaging size : 400cc


      HOW TO USE :

      1. Surface must be clean, dry and free from grease, rust and other dirt.
      2. Before spraying, shake can for at least 60 seconds until you hear all bearing rattling freely. 
      3. Hold can upright about 20 - 30 cm from the surface to be applied. Spray in a horizontal motion to form a thin and even coat of the paint. To patch hair cracks, spray at least 3 coats of RJ Waterproof Sealer Spray Paint. 
      4. Five coating may applied if the leak or hole more than 2 mm, recommended to use sealant first and then spray with RJ Waterproof Sealer Spray Paint. If necessary can use fiber, spray first with RJ Waterproof Sealer Spray Paint then placed fiber on the leak, then spray with RJ Waterproof Sealer Spray Paint at least 5 coatings until fiber sticking firmly at hole or leak. Wait for 24 – 48 hours to get perfect coat waterproof sealer paint.
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